Kobo & Mochi
Welcome to the Kobo and Mochi site. Here you can share in our daily adventures between the water bowl and the litterbox. We encourage you to leave feedback (by that we don't mean hairballs.) Enjoy your visit!
Welcome to the Kobo and Mochi site. Here you can share in our daily adventures between the water bowl and the litterbox. We encourage you to leave feedback (by that we don't mean hairballs.) Enjoy your visit!
What kind of bugs do you cats chase around? Mine goes nuts for moths and (bleeh!) palmetto bugs.
Moths and June bugs mostly. We don't encourage her for fear of worms and all the other fun parasites. But hey--what can you do.
I would like to train my cat to start eating spiders. Do you have any advice?
By the way, this blog is much better than Koubo's...
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